商業數碼轉型(Business Digital Transformation)
$5,800.00 – $19,200.00
Joint curriculum with United Technologies (Int’l) Ltd.
* 本課程適合修畢LCCI 基礎會計課程及ABSS MYOB之學生報讀
* 附送精簡講義
* 課程包括一次校內試,考試合格之同學可獲發電子證書,考試不合格之同學獲發電子聽講證書( 需滿足80%出席率)
- 理解商業數碼轉型的概念:深入了解商業數碼轉型的意義及其在當今商業環境中的重要性。
- 了解關鍵數碼工具:學習 Microsoft Forms、Power Automate、Power Apps 等工具及其在數碼轉型中的定位。
- 介紹人工智能在商業的應用:了解人工智能的基本原理及其在業務流程中的應用。
- 實務應用:在現實的商業場景中應用所學概念,以鞏固理解。展示數碼轉型的薪酬管理應用,連接 Microsoft 365 服務進行雲考勤和 HKIRD 員工稅務申報。
Topic 1: Introduction to Business Digital Transformation
Materials to Cover:
- Introduction to Business Digital Transformation
- Leveraging IoT, Automation and AI for Business Growth
- Business Considerations and Implementation of a Digital Solution
- Measuring Success of a Digital Transformation Initiatives
Topic 2: Introduction to Microsoft Forms
Materials to Cover:
- Introduction to Microsoft Forms
- Creating surveys, quizzes, and polls using Microsoft Forms
- Analyzing responses
Software to Learn:
Topic 3: Power Automate and Power Apps
Materials to Cover:
- Introduction to Power Automate
- Creating workflows using Power Automate
- Introduction to Power Apps
- Building a basic app using Power Apps
Software to Learn:
- Power Automate
- Power Apps
Topic 4: Introduction to AI in Business
Materials to Cover:
- Basics of AI
- Role of AI in digital transformation
- Case studies of businesses using AI
Software to Learn:
- Microsoft AI software
- Broad understanding of AI applications
Topic 5: Payroll Management Practical Application
Software to Learn:
- Microsoft PowerApps SmartAttendance
課程時數:12+3.5+1.5 = 17小時
– 1.5小時考試(30題選擇題,80%合格)
原價 HKD $8,800
HKSC學生價 HKD $5,800 (兩人或以上同時報名可獲$1,000優惠)
HKSC students are eligible to receive a 10% discount on the purchase of ABSS (MYOB) accounting software from United Technologies (Int’l) Ltd by applying the promotion code “UT_HKSC-10OFF” along with their student ID.
Promotion Code: UT_HKSC-10OFF
link: www.abssasia.com.hk