The Employees Retraining Board (ERB) is a statutory body established in 1992 under the Employees Retraining Ordinance. The ERB co-ordinates, funds and monitors training courses and services that are market-driven and employment-oriented so as to meet the changing needs of the employment market. The ERB has appointed about 80 Training Bodies with around 400 training centres across the territory to provide training courses and services. The ERB offers around 700 training courses straddling nearly 30 industries.
1. General Admission Criteria for all courses of the Employees Retraining Board (ERB): (i) eligible employees of Hong Kong (i.e. lawfully employable and not subject to conditions of stay, including Hong Kong permanent residents and new arrivals); and (ii) aged 15 or above; and ; and (iii) applicants should meet the entry requirements of courses, including industry/occupation-specific licensing or statutory requirements.
2. Applicants of placement-tied courses must be unemployed or non-engaged, and intend to engage in employment in the jobs trained for. Interviews will be conducted by Training Bodies to ascertain such intention.
3. Upon receipt of enrolment notification by Training Bodies, trainees may apply for course fee waiver, apply for payment of “Highly Subsidised Fee”, or pay the “Normal Subsidised Fee” according to their income levels as follows: Course fee waiver: Nil income or monthly income of $14,000 or below; “Highly Subsidised Fee” : Monthly income between $14,001 and $22,000; “Normal Subsidised Fee” : Monthly income of $22,001 or above
4. Tuition fees for placement-tied courses are free: Trainees should attain a minimum of 80% attendance rate before they are allowed to sit for final assessment (including written and practical skills assessment). Trainees will be awarded graduation certificates upon fulfilment of graduation requirements (generally attainment of at least 80% attendance rate and passing of course assessments). In general, trainees of placement-tied courses are eligible for retraining allowance on condition that the sum of the following sessions comprises at least 80% of the total number of course sessions. Details on the criteria for disbursement of retraining allowance could be obtained from the Training Bodies concerned.
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